~sniff sniff, lick lick~ Woof and welcome.
This site is to support Dachshund rescue, connecting people, groups, and resources. The name “Dachshund Mafia” was our mommy’s nickname for her original pack ~ Tiffany, Blaze, and Tuna. We don’t think the name is very nice because we are ALWAYS perfect angels, and our mommy just doesn’t understand us sometimes.
Come on in, take a look around. Let our mommy know how you or your group would like to participate. If you want to just hang out with us and feed us treats, we’d love that. We think you should go shopping and buy fun stuff (if only they all looked like us) … and then go sign up to donate to a Dachshund group monthly. But don’t forget to send us some treats. We’d like steak every day, please.
You’ll find pictures of us all over this website. We’re a bit upset that there are pictures of other “dogs” …. even if they are Dachshunds. It should be all about us. Don’t you agree?