My Prince’s Gift: “Spend time with nature.” When we were outside, it quickly became clear that this would be today’s “gift”. The funny thing is, I kept forgetting over and over what I heard the message to be. Karen had to keep reminding me with one clarification; that is, the use of the word, ~ LEARN MORE ~

My Prince’s Gift: “Savor the good.” I LOVE this one picture of Prince. I am so grateful we did warmer weather today. It may have only been in the 50s or so; yet it was warm enough to open the window when we went for a drive. I looked up the word “savor”. This, ~ LEARN MORE ~

My Prince’s Gift

My Prince’s Gift: “Peace comes from within.” I am fascinated by today’s “gift” from Prince as I’m not currently feeling very peaceful as it’s become evident Prince’s time in physical body is waning. Over and over I kept hearing “peace comes from within”. I keep chuckling as I have NO clue what will be, ~ LEARN MORE ~

My Prince’s Gift

My Prince’s Gift: “Feel life fully.” I continue to be amazed at Prince’s high interest in going for at least one r-i-d-e a day, given more and more he’s not sitting or standing up watching out the window as he has. L ately, he’s been lying in my lap or on the seat. Yet, ~ LEARN MORE ~

My Prince’s Gift: “All in right timing.” This is a philosophy I’ve lived with for many years. Inevitably, as these things go, MUCH easier to put into practice and/or live when things aren’t as important as what’s going on with Prince. I had a lot to get done the past couple of days; yet, ~ LEARN MORE ~

My Prince’s Gift: “Clarity supports connection.” In the photo with the caption, it’s clear that Prince is where he wants to be, at that time. In fact, hours later, he’s still on the comforter yet I dragged it on “this” side of the gate so it could be closed as it makes it easier, ~ LEARN MORE ~

My Prince’s Gift: “Pay attention to the details.” I’m lucky in that I’m a person who usually pays equal attention to the details while looking at the bigger picture. I’ve been so consumed in Prince of late, plus my own health issues or rather now feeling SO much better than I have for a, ~ LEARN MORE ~

My Prince’s Gift: “Care for the caretakers.” It can easily become all-consuming to care for those who have health issues. This, of course, applies whether it’s our beloved animals or people. I am somewhat fortunate in that I am home currently and have the advantage of being with my boys, both Prince and Blaze,, ~ LEARN MORE ~