Prince Update ~ 29 January 2014: “Peace comes from within”

My Prince’s Gift: “Peace comes from within.”

I am fascinated by today’s “gift” from Prince as I’m not currently feeling very peaceful as it’s become evident Prince’s time in physical body is waning.

Over and over I kept hearing “peace comes from within”. I keep chuckling as I have NO clue what will be coming out of my fingers. A couple of years ago, I named my intuition, my inner guide, (not me) … when I’m annoyed or frustrated, I refer to that “not-so-still, not-so-quiet” inner voice … “yakkety-yak”.

Hence, I’m laughing at the concept of “peace comes from within” when I kept hearing this over and over and over … because I wasn’t listening. So, I mean … well, how peaceful is it when you keep hearing the same thing? Hehehehehehe …

All that said, I woke up this morning wonderfully centered and peaceful. One of the hallmarks of the auto-immune disease I live with is what is referred to as “unrefreshing sleep”. I rarely wake up not tired, or not worn out.

This morning I woke up feeling refreshed. What an amazing blessing especially given everything I have going on, which is more than just Prince and Blaze. I recall feeling as if I had shifted into an entirely different space, or energy, overnight.

I could feel the concept of “everything in its right place”, even where Prince is physically. I got Celt walked, then went out to run errands. It was cold, and I got overly tired. When I got home, I didn’t keep the balance I had before I left.

When I stay in the present moment, doing “the next right thing”, and I’m not thinking about when I bring Prince in …. whichever day that turns out to be, I am more peaceful. I’m empathic .. I feel emotions a LOT, and of others. So when I am not shielded and I’m picking up others’ emotions, I often get dragged into emotional places I’d prefer to not be in.

What I enjoy about the lead picture for today is that in that moment, in the moment I was kissing Prince … I was peaceful. I may not have been a few moments before, or even after …. because then I may have been thinking about “is this our last ride”, “will it warm up soon so we can take a more fun ride”, etc.

I guess for me is what does the concept of “peace” represent. I was raised Catholic, born in 1960 … so it was all “fire and brimstone”, especially since I went to Catholic schools from first grade, including the school I’m getting my graduate degree from. So, I had to look at “peace” ….. I resonate particularly with two of the definitions, “a state of mutual harmony between people or groups, especially in personal relations” and “a state of tranquillity or serenity”.

The underlying issue for me is … I really have no idea how to exist in a place of harmony or tranquility. I was raised that life is about struggle, discord, etc. Mmmmmmmm and hmmmmm. What I’ve been learning from Prince, and other situations in my life right now, is that it’s okay to feel peace even when I am experiencing situations which are confusing or sad or ….

Then, I’m learning what peace or harmony or tranquility really feels like. I am taking actions daily and making choices to engage in activities which support my life being more balanced and peaceful. I start and end my day listening to recordings which help me gain balance. I listened to about an hour’s worth this morning when I woke up and while I did my usual routine such as taking care of the kids.

Like other terms and concepts … maybe “peace” is also an action, or a series of actions. It seems to involve conscious choice to act and/or not act; and that includes in what I allow myself to engage in, thinking-wise. I’ve heard the concept for decades of how “peace in an inside job”.

What Prince is teaching me is finally moving the concept from my brain into my heart & soul. Maybe that’s why he is, in addition to Tuna, a heart & soul dog for me. Lucky woman I am. Thoughts, anyone? <3 <3

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